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Confessions of TGG #1: I drank rancid milk. On accident.

31 Aug

Dear readers,

The Grocery Girl is really tired and hasn’t been up to cooking much the past few days. I bet you can relate; how many of us in this recession are not eating, sleeping, and engaging in life exactly as we did before things got tougher? Of course, this recession is one blip in human history, but for us, the blip can feel more like a BLEEP! sometimes (curse words censored by the Editrix: aka, Me).

Anyway, this morning I was too tired to fix myself–and you–anything substantial to eat. So, I pulled a fast one. Actually, it was a Take Two. See, I poured myself a bowl of high fiber cereal with a bit of skim milk (I’m out of almond milk, and when the budget is tight, it’s important to be flexible). I took a bite. The milk was rancid.

Dry Milk saves TGG from the rancid alternative.

So, I turned to my pal in the pantry, Non-fat Dried Milk. Is it the same thing as liquid? Nope! It’s shelf stable, the same price or less than fresh milk, and certainly takes less space in a small kitchen (the ratio is about 1:3 for adding water).

I took my beloved Bodum electric tea kettle, heated water (not necessary, but solubility increases and the water where I live is not great), measured the water and milk in my measuring cup, and stirred. Then, I added a few ice cubes to cool the milk to room temp (adding slightly less hot water to account for the difference in volume). Voila! Breakfast saved.

Please excuse the crummy photo; my photo program isn’t responding, so it’s an unedited one and done. Now, I need rest. More posts soon.